"Nuttin but knittin" - that says it all, with an occasional deviation into the real world.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Backyard suprises....

Little by little, we are getting our yard in shape for the winter. All the potatoes are in, and the last tomato plants were uprooted this weekend. Unfortunately, when the last tomato plant lost it's footing, this little guy lost his happy home! Isn't he beautiful...if you really look closely. With "eyes" down his entire length - I am sure any predator would be adequately puzzled.
And then there was this surprise! Undoubtedly the largest and most beautiful rose this gardener has ever raised. And, at a time of the year that I would normally be cutting back, and covering them for the winter. Mother nature must be enjoying all of the puzzled humans running around scratching our heads this year..... Me - I am enjoying this HUGE rose - more the size of a peonie than a normal tea rose. It is on my dining table - and the fragrance is magnificent!!

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