"Nuttin but knittin" - that says it all, with an occasional deviation into the real world.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Heart Healthy SuperBowl snack.....

I am always on the look-out for healthy munchies, and this is a winner.  You take the small corn tortillas, cut them in quarters and lay single thickness on a lightly sprayed baking sheet.  Lightly spray the chips with Pam.  Then sprinkle with salt substitute, cayenne pepper, garlic powder....whatever pleases you.  Bake in a 350 degree oven for 10-15 minutes.  They will curl up, puff up and brown a little bit.  Serve hot with your favorite healthy salsa.  Yummm!!! and no worries or guilt attached!


Karen said...

I bet those are delicious! I'll have to make them for my family.

Erica said...

Awesome! I've seen this type of recipe before but haven't tried it yet. Good to know they are in fact, a tasty treat :)

Judy S. said...

Or for a different taste altogether, sprinkle them with cinnamon and serve with a fruit salsa..... Hope all is well at your house; did you get lots of snow?

JakkiMitch said...

And I've got a package of corn tortillas in the fridge! I'll try these this evening. :-)