"Nuttin but knittin" - that says it all, with an occasional deviation into the real world.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Motherhood 101:

DD learned a lesson yesterday. Sometimes Sons do what they like, not what we would like them to do. Baby Garrett chose to do a great impression of a pretzel yesterday during the 3-D ultrasound. He had his little legs crossed and positioned directly in front of his little face! I think he decided that knowing that he was now 2LB 3oz, had 1cm long hair, and was currently breach (no wonder mom is having a hard time breathing!)....well that was enough information for one day! (Oh, and also we know that he has the cutest little bottom!) The technician got a few shots of his face...framed by legs (lol!) and while mom, dad, and I were thrilled with those glimpses, she was not satisfied. The good news is that there will be another complimentary Ultrasound in 2 more weeks. Hopefully by then he will have changed his position and will be a tad bit more cooperative. And...if not...that's ok too! He's perfect no matter what he chooses to do!! (Isn't that Grandmahood 101?)

And speaking of sons doing what they like, not what their mother's would like them to do..... Here's a photo of MY son, doing what HE likes, not what I would like him to do. Bowling...that would be a nice sport, or golf perhaps?? Ya gotta love those guy kids......

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